Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Wow! Bob, looks great. Now if I can only figure out how to do this. May have to ask for the Scouts advice. They may have to teach me. I am bravely trying to get into the 21st Century.

Photography Belt Loop

At out Pack meeting in August we earned our photography belt loops. Sadly, we had a low attendance, but I am glad to be able to share the photos that the two boys that showed up took. We had a test on the parts of the camera - we had four people get a  perfect score! How can you do?

 I handed out this scavenger hunt sheet for some ideas...

Here are pictures in order... (I hope I got this right)

A cool looking rock

A deciduous plant

A painting

There are many more, but I think my favorite is a tiny living thing...

The two boys have very different ideas of what is tiny.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Fun Summer

We have had a very fun summer. Here are some of the pictures of our Cub Scout Pack at Camp crown.